CBD for your dog: Your most important questions answered

CBD for dogs

In the recent past, CBD treatment has been gaining massive attention in the medical sector. The health benefits of CBD are now a center for discussion in the pet wellness space. Today, the market is flooded with CBD products for dogs, and pet owners are spoilt for choice (you can see the wide variety of product offerings at https://askgrowers.com/cbd/cbd-products-for-pets/cbd-pet-treats).

Still, not everyone is well informed, and safe dosing and product choice remain the top customer concerns. Is CBD safe for dogs? Is it legal? Getting all the information about CBD for dogs is essential before purchasing any product from companies like 

We offer extensive answers to some questions asked by dog owners about CBD and why it can be a great option for dogs.

What is CBD? 

As a pet owner, you need to know what CBD is and what it entails before you introduce it to your dog. CBD is also called cannabidiol, a natural component in the cannabis sativa plant. CBD is usually sourced from the hemp variety of the cannabis plant. Hemp has low levels of the THC compound – a psychoactive element responsible for a high sensation. Thus, CBD products are suitable for animal use because of the small THC amounts. 

How does CBD work?

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) processes CBD in the body after ingestion. Both humans and animals share the ECS system. It is responsible for regulating certain processes in the body, such as digestion, immunity, mood, appetite, and sleep. Thus, when you give your dog CBD, the endocannabinoid system will process the oil and give desired results. 

Is CBD legal?

Medicinal cannabis is legal in many states, and you use CBD products derived from the hemp plant. You can cultivate hemp and sell or use the product within the legalized states. Due to the controversies surrounding cannabis, it is safe to learn the regulations for pet CBD and where to purchase the products. 

Will your dog get intoxicated?

As stated above, the CBD from the hemp plant has minimal levels of the THC compound, around 0.3% or less. So, it will not make your dog experience the high sensations. Besides, CBD for animals is not addictive. Your dog will not get high and addicted to the product but will reap the health benefits instead. 

What are the benefits of CBD for your dog?

Many pet owners want to understand the health and wellness benefits of introducing CBD to their dogs. Let us explore some of these benefits.


As years go by, your dog might start having mobility issues due to aging – from difficulties climbing stairs to avoiding long walks. It could be due to joint disorders or muscle aches. Whatever the case, many dog owners opt to use CBD to manage the situation. CBD oils help to alleviate joint stiffness and improve mobility. It promotes bone health, and your dog will be springing after a few days of using CBD.


It is hard to notice when your dog feels pain. Dogs can hide any type of discomfort from their owners. Normally, when dogs are in pain, it is progressive and uncomfortable. Whether it is a pain from an injury or a medical operation, CBD is the best remedy to ease the soreness. The CBD components reduce inflammation and help the dog to manage the pain. Besides, the product promotes healthy cells and fast recovery. 


Do you know dogs can also get stressed? The stress could be due to various reasons like loud noises, household changes, or new routines. Leaving your dog alone at home can also result in stressful episodes. Other cases of stress might arise due to hyperactivity, leading to chaotic behaviour. Luckily, CBD comes in handy and can help your dog combat stress. The component in the hemp-extracted product has a relaxing effect on the dog’s nerves. Thus, CBD allows the dog to have a stable emotional balance. 


CBD products for animals come in a wide array of treats and supplements. Dogs also require dietary supplements to boost their immunity. Besides managing illnesses, CBD supplements support wellness and enhance the dog’s life. Moreover, the product also benefits the heart and brain since it prolongs good health.

Is CBD Safe for Dogs? 

CBD is safe for dogs since the product is extracted from the hemp plant. It doesn’t have high doses of THC, the psychoactive element that intoxicates dogs. 

As much as CBD doesn’t have severe side effects, your dog might experience slight exhaustion during the first doses. Thus, monitoring how your dog reacts to CBD is advisable to establish a suitable dose. 


Many pet owners are now embracing the benefits of CBD since it has a massive impact on the holistic world. Besides treating certain conditions in your dog, it boosts general wellness. Due to the rising demand, many pet companies are introducing CBD supplements such as tinctures, bites, and topicals to promote their health and wellness.

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