These days, people have more access to various caustic substances than ever before. And, with a rise in DIY projects, an increasing number of families are storing strong chemicals at home. Naturally, this can increase the risk of potential accidents and injuries. To prevent this from happening, here are the top guidelines that you should follow to safely store chemicals at home:
Know how chemicals should be stored
It is easy enough to ignore all those instructions and warnings on the packages of various chemicals. However, before you even open up the bottle or packaging, take a look at the storage instructions. Each caustic substance needs to be stored in a specific way.
Most need to be kept away from direct sunlight, some have to be kept away from moisture, and others have to be stored in cool conditions. Don’t ignore these instructions. Instead, snap a picture of the label before opening so you will always know how to store it properly. Then, make sure that you follow all the guidelines mentioned. This will prevent the chemicals from reacting in an unexpected or dangerous way.

Get proper storage units
If you have small children or pets in the house it becomes even more important for you to store the chemicals properly. First and foremost, keep them out of the main house. Instead, store these chemicals in the garage, basement, or somewhere else that they will be out of reach.
In many instances, this alone will not be enough. After all, you don’t want anyone to accidentally stumble across the chemicals, do you? Therefore, check out to see if there are any lockers or cupboards that you can get specifically for chemicals. Locking these up will lessen the likelihood of accidents considerably.
For maximum safety, ensure that these units are in areas that aren’t frequented by family members or aren’t used by pets.
Reduce the risk of spills
With chemicals around, there is always the chance of a spill. Fortunately, there are bags and containment systems specifically designed for spill prevention of chemicals. Not only are these designed to stop chemicals from spreading, they are also incredibly durable.
As such, they can often withstand the leaking of various chemicals. Therefore, investing in some of these – particularly for more caustic chemicals – can go a long way in keeping you and your family safe.
Have an Emergency Plan
If you take the above precautions, then there is a much lower chance of an accident or injury. Still, you should be prepared on how to tackle an emergency situation if one arises. Take a look at the chemicals that you have and print out what you should do if anyone is exposed to them.
At the same time, leave the number for emergency hotlines where the chemicals are stored as well as in a central spot in your home. This way, anyone can have easy access to them should something go wrong.
These are the main ways to safely store chemicals in your home. Thus, you should heed these suggestions and follow them to the letter. This will help to keep everyone in your home safe and sound.
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