On November 23, 2023, the Administrative Labour Tribunal (TAT) granted certification to the Syndicat des employé-es de la restauration – CSN for the Starbucks located at 1331 Boulevard Talbot, in Chicoutimi.
This long-awaited decision by some thirty employees fighting to improve their working conditions concludes the application for certification, filed last July 19 for the franchise owned by Groupe D Resto and opened in 2018.
For Caroline Senneville, CSN President, the decision represents a victory of the employees against a giant:
“As happens all too often with multibillionaire global corporations, anti-union practices are almost a feature of Starbucks’ brand identity. The company is infamous for its relentless efforts, around the world, to prevent workers from asserting their rights and even their freedom of expression! Today’s victory therefore resonates far beyond Quebec and Canada. The Chicoutimi employees are no longer alone against their employer—they can now count on the strength and solidarity of their 330,000 fellow workers across the country!”
About the CSN
The CSN is a labour organization working for a democratic, fair, equitable, and sustainable society based on solidarity. It brings together more than 330,000 workers on a sectoral or professional basis in eight federations, as well as on a regional basis in thirteen central councils, mainly in Quebec.
About the Syndicat des Employé-es de la Restauration – CSN
The goal of the Syndicat des Employé-es de la Restauration – CSN is to improve conditions for employees in the food service industry. The Fédération du Commerce – CSN, to which the SER is affiliated, represents more than 1,000 members working in the catering industry.
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