Saving Chinatown
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Jimmy Chan delivers wake-up call with new documentary “Saving Chinatown”

Saving Chinatown – It’s difficult to see a city, suburb or neighbourhood become the victim of age, neglect, apathy and multi-million-dollar real estate development that can easily hinder or harm its heritage, or even worse, obliterate its existence that would render it just a slowly faded memory. That was the case of Montreal’s Chinatown district….

Anything wrong with Montreal’s Chinatown?

Anything wrong with Montreal’s Chinatown?

Anything wrong with Montreal’s Chinatown? We hope not, but in any case, this month the Ville Marie borough launched a process of public consultations on the future of this iconic neighbourhood of our city. Termed “Together for the Vitality of Chinatown” this consultation process must finish in the fall and provide some elements for future…