Sister Talk
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Montreal Sister Talk show now streaming its second season

Imagine four professional young women getting ready for a girls’ night out, and stop at a hotel bar for a pre-night out cocktail. During this female bonding type of chat over drinks, they decide to start an impromptu conversation based on questions that are written on slips of paper, placed in a bowl and the…

Cindy Charles ‘Sister Talk’ new show takes the girls’ night out to a whole new level (video)
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Cindy Charles ‘Sister Talk’ new show takes the girls’ night out to a whole new level (video)

Cindy Charles ‘Sister Talk’ – Cindy Charles had a mission when she created her production company Collectively Beautiful, which was to go beyond the social limits and stereotypes that have been placed upon women for so many years, and to showcase and support educated, strong and passionate women from so many diverse backgrounds. She did…