After Mayor Mitchell Brownstein declared a state of emergency in Cote-St-Luc last week, as the number of people testing positive with the Covid-19 virus continued to grow, the city announced on Wednesday March 25th that a drive-through testing facility is being set up in the parking lot at the Cavendish Mall (Quartier Cavendish). Residents in Côte-St-Luc and non-residents can be tested for COVID-19 from their cars. The facility, being built by the Provincial Government, should be able to process around 500 people per day – but by appointment only. Each person who arrives will first undergo a preliminary screening and only those with symptoms of the virus like coughing, difficulty breathing and fever will be tested. Anyone else will be sent home. The city’s administration is working with the CIUSSS Centre-Ouest to get the tents, medical staff and other equipment set up.
On their Facebook page they wrote: COVID-19 TESTING – ‘On Wednesday, March 25, workers began setting up a drive-through testing facility in Cote Saint-Luc. The facility is NOT YET OPEN. Do NOT visit it today. When it eventually opens, we have been told it will be by appointment only. When the health ministry officially announces it and provides all the details, we will share the info. In the meantime, please do not visit or interfere with the workers setting up’. An opening date will be announced soon.

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