Seeing out the new year in Montreal will be an unforgettable experience and can be achieved with even the most stringent of budgets, whether you’re on the verge of emergency unsecured loans or you simply want to save the pennies. There is a plethora of amazing experiences and trips available that cost very little money or come completely free.
After you have booked your flight, hotel and started to pack, you will want to save as much money as you can whilst away in Canada. So, here are just some of the cost-effective things to do in Montreal on a shoestring budget.

Visit Mount Royal
This is the best way to achieve a panoramic view of Montreal; you have the option of walking, biking or hiking to the summit where you will experience breathtaking landscapes of the vast infrastructure that makes this incredible city. If you want to learn more about the mountain, you will receive a first-class education at the Heritage House all free of charge.
See Artwork For Free
There is a wide selection of incredible artwork on display in Montreal and most of it is free to the general public. Whether you are a fan of traditional or contemporary pieces of work, there is an array of incredible sculptures and paintings across the whole city. One of the best places to visit is the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, where they offer access to their permanent collection for free.
Public Markets
Food and drink form an integral part of any successful new year’s holiday. Luckily, Canada has some of the best fresh produce in the world, all of which can all be browsed upon at their public markets. There will be an array of Canada’s finest farmers who will be offering bread, cheese and an assortment of different meats.
Free Ice Skating
One of the prime things to experience during a trip to Montreal is ice skating. This is largely owed to stunning snowy conditions that are hugely elevated at this time of year. Most of the venues around the city offer free refreshments during your time spent using their facilities.
Montreal is a lively city that offers a fun and exciting vibe throughout the year. This is especially prevalent if you visit during New Year since there is a wide variety of festivals and shows that are purposely organised to be free for the public. The pinnacle of which is the Montreal High Lights Festival which offers a free ice slide, ice skating, fireworks and live music.

Notre Dame Cathedral
Visiting prominent landmarks is one of the key reasons for travelling around the world. There are so many incredible places to visit in Montreal, but at the very top is the imperious Notre-Dame Basilica. The building was constructed between 1824 and 1829, playing host to some of the best architecture in the world and is free to visit any time of the year.
There is no question that Montreal serves as the perfect location for anyone looking for excitement during the New Year period and have restrictions when it comes to money. The only question is how will you fit everything in?