The Quebec government has placed a lock down on all non-essential business in Quebec as of December 25, 2020. However the question remains what is essential in stores?
The Quebec government has not provided any kind of detailed list of what is essential and non-essential and this is causing confusion with retailers and customers. For example: You can buy paper towels but not napkins in some stores.
The government has listed a general list for non-essential products and services:
- clothing
- books
- electronics
- appliances
- furniture
- toys
- plus these items are not allowed to be picked up curb side.
- restaurants (Dining rooms closed but pick and delivery available)
- Beauty industry closed
- Theatres closed
- Gyms closed
The government list for essential businesses to remain open:
- Grocery stores for food only
- Pharmacies (products for everyday life)
- Hardware stores (only products required for home maintenance)
- Pet food stores
- Gas stations
- Garages to repair cars and trucks
- Safety work equipment stores
The government says all non-essential products can be purchased online however they must be delivered.
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