Nothing sucks more than seeing a dent on the car you just got. It might even make you feel like you can’t drive it anymore, but there’s no need to fret. No matter how careful a driver you are, you can’t always avoid the things that cause these dents in the first place such as falling pine cones, wrongly parked cars, or pebbles that hit your car when you’re on the road. There are several things you can do to fix car dents, both big and small. Here are some things you should know about the basics of fixing car dents.
Hiring professionals to repair is always better
If you’re the type who likes to do things yourself, then this might be a bit of news to you. While fixing dents yourself is cheaper, it should not be the first thing that jumps into your mind. There are many reasons why hiring professionals from should be your first option. For starters, they’re going to have the best materials to use. And as they are the experts in the field, they will know how to fix the issue with minimal trouble.
As long as you hire the right person, chances are that it will also be done right the first time, and you won’t have to worry about it ever again. However, you need to make sure that the company has insurance if something goes wrong during the process.

There a different types of dent repair
When fixing your car dents, keep in mind that there are different types of dent repairs. There is the paintless and traditional dent repair. Paintless dent repair is the most preferred nowadays because it won’t ruin the paint on your car. With it, you don’t have to repaint the affected area. The paintless dent repair (also known as PDR) is another way to fix car dents. This technique does not involve paint damage or repainting your car because it only uses specially designed tools made for this job, small enough not to leave a trace on the paint. There are other types of dent repair that may require repainting, though.
The traditional dent repair, on the other hand, is the more manual method of fixing dents. It costs less than laser dent repair but can be quite tiresome and time-consuming. The Traditional Dent Repair (as already described above) is becoming less popular because of the paint damage it can cause, but it is still a viable option for smaller dents and dings. The traditional type will involve more work on your part than paintless dent repair or laser dent removal because you have to work with hammers and other tools that might scratch your car’s finish. There are tools and products you can buy to make this job easier such as pneumatic or electric dent pullers or panel beaters, which you can get from any local auto parts store.
The tools you need
Another thing you should know about fixing dents is that the tools you need to use vary from dent size. For big dents, you can use a couple of hammers and dollies, but for smaller ones, use a set of pliers or even a screwdriver if necessary. You also need a vehicle jack and possibly an auto jack stand. The process may also require you to use a paintbrush, rags or sponges, and other materials like rubbing alcohol. There are also do-it-yourself kits available at your local auto parts store if you’d like to take that route instead of using a pro or even hiring a friend to fix your dent for you.
Major and minor dents can be fixed
A major or minor dent can be fixed, no matter how small it is. Keep in mind though that the bigger the dent, the more expensive it may get because there are special tools you have to buy for this job. These tools include a hydraulic jack if your car uses one to run, dollies or other accessories depending on what kind of dent repair method will be used, and a heat source to soften the metal.

There are also different techniques you can use to fix car dents depending on what type of impression it has or how deep it is. Some may include using cold spray paint so that when the hot air from a hairdryer hits it, the paint dries and hardens back into place, making the dent less noticeable. This is a good way to fix small dents because it involves no tools and won’t damage your car’s finish.
You can also use other methods such as hammering out the dented part and then beating it down until it is flat again with a body hammer so it can be used to help fix the dent. Then, you can use body filler and a spreader or glazing tools in order to get it flat again. You can do this too by using a spring-loaded hammer that is specifically designed for smaller dents. While car dents are a minor issue, they can be infuriating to people who take pride in the appearance of their vehicle. Many drivers don’t know how to fix these small issues themselves and have been forced into paying for expensive repairs from body shops. In this blog post, you’ve learned new things about fixing your car dents. Hope you remember them whenever you need to get your dents repaired.
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