Where to get std testing in Montreal

std testing

General statistics estimate that nearly 40,000 people are reported as having sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBI carriers). This is in addition to the 75% of all adults with HPV infections throughout their lifetime. Studies have also shown that the number of gonorrhea infections has tripled in recent years. To protect yourself and others, receiving a quick diagnosis and treatment can make a lot of difference in your overall health and wellbeing.

Receiving testing in Montreal

The STI and BVB screening clinic in Montreal

This clinic is available for anyone in Montreal, with the ability to screen for most sexually transmitted infections. These include blood-borne infections and sexually transmitted conditions (HIV, hepatitis B and C, condyloma, gonorrhea, and chlamydia). They also provide treatment for common vaginal conditions like bartholinitis, pap tests, vaginitis, and birth control options. The ForceMedic clinic is a state-of-the-art facility designed to help people receive early assessment and treatment.

CLSCs (Local Community Service Centre)

These common health and social service providers work to provide preventative and curative services to people in the community while carrying out public health activities. Services can be provided on the premises, or they can include work, home, or school. These include routine health activities (for example, morning-after contraception, birth control, and blood tests. It also covers public health activities and medical services like prescriptions. For those wanting to lower their risk of contracting HIV, these centers are one of the few ways to get PrEP in Canada.


This self-screening center offers a fast and simplified testing option for those wanting to stay on top of their health. The service is 100% confidential and covered by the Quebec health system. These include services covering the most common STBBI infections, bringing user-friendly services to anyone needing screening. Simply book your appointment online, register your account, and receive your test results. If you’re using the public system, your test results will show within ten business days. For private results (between ($150-375), results are available within one business day.

Dawson College

These health services are available for both men and women wanting to find out their sexual health status. They include testing for all STIs (including blood-borne infection). Women are able to have blood samples, vaginal swabs, or urine tests available at the College Student Health Services department. If you’re a member of the community, you should contact Info-Sante 8-1-1 for current facilities. These can include typical STI facilities, as well as youth services.

Public Health Settings

 Public health facilities are often arranged by appointment. These facilities will often place a first-come, first-serve policy with a focus on getting test results to as many people as possible. These centers are covered by provincial health insurance for both men and women, with access to both sexually transmitted and blood-borne tests.

Private Clinics

There are many private clinics available for STIs and other routine testing. Many facilities offer urgent testing options, too, with the ability to use your private insurance program for reimbursement. These clinics will often have a faster turnaround than the public system but can be cost-prohibitive. Always contact the clinic for a fee breakdown prior to booking.

At-Home Services

Some of them I’m Ready National Research Program opportunities offer a free HIV self-testing kit delivered to your home. These programs provide complete diagnostic materials, support through telehealth, and direct connection to your care and treatment. These surveys will help improve HIV testing and care in Canada.

Family Physician

If you’re noticing something is different, it’s essential to book an appointment with your family physician. This is the doctor responsible for your routine care and wellbeing. Most doctors are able to make requisitions for blood work, urine tests, and other routine testing. These may also include pap tests for women or physical inspection of symptoms in both men and women. Your family doctor can also order prescription medications, depending on the results of your testing.

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