6 Ways to Optimize and make your bedroom better for sleep

make your bedroom better for sleep

Do you have issues with your energy levels during the day? This is likely a sign that you’re not getting enough quality sleep throughout the night. Don’t be alarmed. With a few simple tweaks to your bedroom, you can make it a perfect haven for sleep. Continue reading this article and get rid of the sleepless nights!

1• Optimize your room’s layout

Notice the direction of your bedroom’s main window. Is your room bathed in the gentle afternoon light, or does harsh morning light wake you up at 6 AM?

For instance, if your bedroom has an east-facing window, sunlight may wake you up before your body’s natural wake-up time. If you can’t shift your bed to face a different direction, consider getting blackout curtains.

2• Change your mattress

If you haven’t changed your mattress in a while, what are you waiting for? An uncomfortable and old mattress is frequently the main reason for the lack of a good night’s sleep. It may be challenging to choose the perfect mattress for your needs, but luckily you can get some help. The Anatomy of Sleep is here to help you with their thorough mattress reviews that will certainly help you pick out the one that best suits you. 

Put mattress shopping at the top of your list for changes to make! You may even switch the direction your bed faces once you get your new mattress to optimize your room further.

3• Opt for warmer colours

The colour palette of your bedroom includes the walls, flooring, furniture, and bedding. Colours that help you relax before bed should be emphasized. These tend to be warmer, gentler tones, but you may choose whatever hues strike your fancy. Pastels are also a great choice.

You may not be able to entirely change your bedroom’s coluor palette if you rent or have a restricted budget. Still, you may use innovative ways to emphasize particular hues by strategically choosing bedding, a rug, or wall art. 

4• Make it quiet

There are various sources of noise that might disrupt your sleep, from the TV to your neighbours’ snoring. If you’re in a city, loud traffic can also wake you up in the middle of the night. Even if you don’t recall waking up, noises might disrupt your deep sleep cycles.

Earplugs or a white noise machine could assist if you have trouble sleeping due to noise beyond your control. Sleeping with white noise or soothing natural sounds might help drown out distracting noises in the background.

Earplugs and white noise may also help those whose partners are chronic snorers. However, alert your spouse if the snoring is really loud or if it seems like they stop breathing during sleep, as this may indicate sleep apnea.

5• Get rid of the technology

Keep your tech out of your bedroom. No matter the size of the device, you should always keep it outside of your bedroom door. Most of these gadgets also give out sleep-robbing blue light. 

Truth be told, many people tend to fall asleep to YouTube or TV shows playing in the background. However, this is a horrible habit that can very well impact your sleep. 

6• Turn your clock away

You should also readjust your alarm clock’s placement. Not only is it difficult to fall asleep with a digital clock because of its light, but many people also have trouble falling asleep because they keep checking the time and, if it’s becoming late, they worry that they won’t get enough rest. The anxiousness brought on by this might make it much more difficult to fall asleep. 

The most effective method for dealing with alarm clocks is to face them away from you while you sleep. You won’t need to check the clock constantly, and you won’t be able to grab an extra hour of sleep by clicking the snooze button, either, so you’ll have to get out of bed to switch it off in the morning.

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