For practically all of her life, DDO resident Joy Levy enjoyed the world of athletics and being an athlete. Starting from the age of eight, she was an avid basketball player and track & field athlete.

By the time she was married and had kids of her own, Joy was working part time in early childhood care, which was the program she graduated from at Vanier College. “I was working in the afternoon, so I spent my mornings in the gym,” she said during a recent phone interview. “The training I did really clicked, and training started to become a passion for me. I started working with a personal trainer, and my goal was to always stay on track.”

Five years later, Joy decided to take her training to a new level and entered a bikini competition (“I liked the challenge,” she added). Out of a field of 24 competitors, she finished in 4th place. After a taking a month off due to illness, Joy entered another bikini competition, and finished in 6th place out of a field of eight competitors.

And then four years ago, Joy entered the next phase and became a certified personal fitness trainer in her own right. She started a personal fitness business called EnJoy Fitness, in which she conducts one-on-one personal fitness sessions with her clients.

“With functional training, you’re working with every single muscle in your body. It’s high intensity because you’re using everything at once, and anybody can do it,” she said. “CrossFit is filled with constantly varied high intensity movements. It’s basically like functional training, but you’re using high intensity training. It involves using the core a lot. So I advise my clients the core is the foundation to your strength. I conduct one-on-one classes because some of my clients tend to be a bit shy, so this will allow them be feel more cozy, while allowing them an air of privacy at the same time.”

Joy offers clients three different fitness training packages: a one-session “Get-To-Know You” package for $60; a 10-session “Let’s Do This” package, which is the most popular package with her clients, and costs $550; and a 24-session “Bring It On” package for $1,200.
And now Joy is about to return to the fitness competition world, as she is about to participate in her very first crossfit competition, which will take place on October 2 in St. Eustache. “It’s going to be great to share the stage with other crossfit enthusiasts. At these type of competitions, you’re paired up with a coach who teaches you what the proper form is used during a crossfit competition, as well as help build up your stamina and keep up your motivation. However, I participate in these competitions for the fun of it.”

And for those who are interested in embarking upon a crossfit or functional training program? Joy offers this simple piece of advice: “Come for a session and see how it’s done.”
Joy Levy and EnJoy Fitness can be followed on Instagram and Facebook, as well as her website.

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